Cannot edit a record in Translation table (DEL_PBATranslateConsistOf). Access Denied

August 29, 2010 at 13:54
filed under Dynamics AX
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When deleting a company account in Dynamics AX 2009, you can get the following errors:

User ‘Admin’ is not authorized to delete a record in table ‘DEL_PBATRANSLATECONSISTOF). Request den[ied].
Cannot edit a record in Translation table (DEL_PBATranslateConsistOf). Access Denied: You do not have sufficient authorization to modify data in database.

This week was the n-th time someone has come to me with this problem, so it’s time to blog about it :-).

The error you receive is odd, because user in question has enough rights to edit any table (administrator).
This error occurs when you don’t have the Product Builder (PBA) license key enabled.

There are two possible solutions to this problem:


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  1. shackiin


    it is not working, I did clear the scurity key as well as the AOS authorization.

    Please help


  2. Klaas Deforche

    Hi Shackiin,

    Did you synchronize the data dictionary (on the AOT, richt click Data Dictionary and choose Synchronize.

    Also, it is possible that you get the same error on an other object. Can you copy/paste the error here?

  3. Eddie.Q

    Thank you for this helpful post. It really works.

  4. Wael Hosny

    Many Thanks , I try it and it works well.

  5. hs

    thanks it works, you need to compile the table as well before synchronizing, as it sometime get missed when saving the table.
